Baby Cookies

p1010264I love to bake. I love the smells, the feel of the the dough, and thinking up new ways to make nutritious treats. I especially love baking for babies. Something about feeding children is just so satisfying.
As soon as my little one was ready for solids, I started looking for recipes. Baby mum mums were a great occasional treat, but they have so much sugar. Dried mango was another option. He loved to suck on it, but I wanted something better. Something comforting. Something homemade.
So here is my recipe for baby cookies. They can be changed around to fit your baby’s needs and tastes.

What you need:
1 cup baby cereal (plain or flavored)

1 cup flour (white, whole wheat, rice…)

1 cup liquid (juice, water, formula or breastmilk)

2 or 3 TBSPs oil or apple sauce

What you do:

Preheat the oven. More options here. Put the oven on 200 for hard teething buiscits, 350 for softer cookies.

Mix liquid and apple sauce or oil. Add the cereal and mix well. The dough will be sticky.

Grease a cookie sheet. You can drop the dough by small spoonfuls on the sheet. You can roll it out and cut out shapes (use lots of flour on your work surface first). OR you can put the dough into a pastry bag (or a plastic bag with the corner cut off) and pipe the dough into rings or logs.

Then bake until they are done. I know that that is vague, but because the recipe has so many options so does the cook time. For hard biscuits cook on 200 until they dry out. If you want cookies bake at 350 until just brown.
Make sure to let them cool all the way before you put them into little hands. These, freeze really well. In fact I used to give them to my teether still frozen to sooth his gums.

Our favorite combo was plain rice cereal, apple juice, rice flour, and apple sauce. The rice flour makes the cookies dissolve quickly.

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