Posts Tagged ‘weather’

The Summertime Challenge

The warm weather is finally making it’s way to frosty Ithaca, NY. The sun is shining, and babies all over town are stretching out their legs, finally free of snow pants. It is time to put forth my summertime challenge.

Most cloth diapering parents can get on board with wool covers. Natural fibers, breathable, recycled… what’s not to love? But when the warm weather comes rolling in, most bail on their woolies. Those sweet little sweater butts lose their appeal when it is 75 and sunny.

I understand, really I do. I mean who would want to wear a wool sweater on a sunny day? Not me. But I’d choose that wool sweater over a trash bag in a heartbeat.

That is the part that is so easy to forget. It is not wool versus cotton. It is wool versus vinyl. So give your woollies a shot. Your baby will thank you. Since wool is so breathable, your baby will not overheat. And look how cute they are!
